My name is Ryan Heaton. I am a hybrid web designer/developer and have a degree in Web Design & Development, with a minor in Computer Science. I work as a Senior Web Consultant for Novathena, Inc., which provides AI services for hospitals.

Web Development

I have experience in Front-end Web Development, including hand coding responsive web sites using HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, PHP, Ajax, JavaScript and jQuery. I have experience and a very strong interest in cross browser compatibility. I created a database with tens of thousands of data entries, which I use to check the compatibility of web sites across all major browsers. I have back-end training and experience in Oracle and MySQL databases, and some experience with SQLite databases. I have experience coding dynamic web pages, with content being extracted from databases using Model-View-Controller (MVC) server techniques and PDO objects. I have extensive experience QA’ing web pages and web sites for broken links, browser compatibility, pixel perfect implementation, etc. Click to view some examples of my web development projects.

Web Design

I have experience in the visual aspects of the Web. My education included graphic design, typography, usability and HCI classes where I learned the principles of good design and how to apply them to web sites. My education also taught me the principles of wireframing, prototyping and image processing. I’m proficient with Adobe CS5 & CS6 tools including Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign and Fireworks. I also have extensive experience scaling and adjusting images to load fast and look good on web sites, pdf files, print, etc. Click to view some examples of my web design projects.